Can dogs eat bread dough | Why YouShould Never Feed Your Dog Bread Dough

Bread dough may seem like a harmless treat for your dog, but it can actually be very dangerous. In this article, you will learn how bread dough can harm your dog, what signs to look for if your dog eats bread dough, and what to do in case of an emergency. You will also discover some healthy and tasty alternatives to bread dough that your dog will love. 🐶

Bread dough is a mixture of flour, water, yeast, and sugar that rises when baked. But when it is raw, it can cause serious trouble for your dog. Here are the main reasons why bread dough is bad for dogs:

How Can Unbaked Bread Dough Harm Your Dog?

If your dog eats raw bread dough made with yeast, it can be very dangerous for them. The yeast in the dough will grow rapidly in the warm and moist environment of the dog’s stomach. The dough will also swell up and take up a lot of space, putting pressure on the other organs and making it hard for the dog to breathe. The dog may try to throw up the dough, but it will be sticky and hard to get out. As the yeast ferments, it will produce alcohol, which will enter the dog’s bloodstream and make them drunk. This can cause symptoms such as drowsiness, confusion, and loss of balance. If the alcohol level is too high, it can damage the dog’s brain and other organs, and even kill them. Sometimes, the dough may need to be removed surgically. Some dogs are more prone to a serious complication called gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV). This happens when the stomach twists and flips as it expands. This can cut off the blood supply to the stomach and cause it to rupture. GDV is more common in large or giant breeds of dogs, especially if they eat unbaked bread dough.

Eating raw bread dough with yeast can cause severe and potentially fatal poisoning in dogs. The dough will grow and fill up the dog’s stomach, causing pain and breathing problems. The yeast will also produce alcohol, which will intoxicate the dog and harm their organs.

Symptoms of Unbaked Bread Dough Poisoning in Dogs

If your dog has eaten unbaked bread dough, you may notice some of the following signs:

Distended stomach: The dough expands in the dog’s stomach, causing it to swell and stretch. This can be very painful and uncomfortable for the dog.

Retching and unproductive vomiting: The dog may try to vomit the dough, but it may be too sticky or large to come out. This can lead to choking or aspiration of the vomit into the lungs.

Difficulty breathing: The dough can press on the diaphragm, making it hard for the dog to breathe. The dog may pant, wheeze, or gasp for air.

Excessive salivation: The dog may drool excessively, as a result of nausea, pain, or difficulty swallowing.

Depression: The dog may become lethargic, unresponsive, or lose interest in normal activities. The dog may also show signs of shock, such as pale gums, weak pulse, or low blood pressure.

Disorientation: The dog may act confused, dizzy, or stagger. The dog may also have impaired vision, hearing, or coordination.

Weakness: The dog may collapse, tremble, or have difficulty standing or walking. The dog may also have muscle cramps or spasms.

Low body temperature: The dog may feel cold to the touch, as the dough can lower the body temperature by absorbing heat. The dog may also shiver or curl up.

Seizures: The dog may have convulsions, twitching, or loss of consciousness. The dog may also foam at the mouth, bite, or urinate involuntarily.

Coma: The dog may fall into a deep state of unconsciousness, where they do not respond to any stimuli. The dog may also stop breathing or have cardiac arrest.

There are different types of unbaked bread dough poisoning in dogs, depending on the stage and severity of the condition:

Early stages: This occurs when the dog has just eaten the dough, and the main problem is the physical obstruction and distension of the stomach. The dog may show signs of abdominal pain, bloating, and retching. This stage can last for several hours, until the dough is either vomited or digested.

Ethanol poisoning: This occurs when the yeast in the dough starts to ferment, producing ethanol (alcohol) and carbon dioxide. The ethanol can enter the dog’s bloodstream, causing intoxication and acidosis. The carbon dioxide can further expand the stomach, increasing the pressure and pain. The dog may show signs of drunkenness, disorientation, depression, and difficulty breathing. This stage can last for up to 12 hours, until the ethanol is metabolized or eliminated.

Gastric dilatation/volvulus (GDV): This occurs when the distended stomach twists on itself, cutting off the blood supply and trapping the gas. This is a life-threatening emergency, as it can cause shock, organ damage, and death. The dog may show signs of severe abdominal pain, collapse, weakness, and pale gums. This stage can occur at any time after the ingestion of the dough, and requires immediate veterinary intervention. Some breeds are more prone to GDV, such as Great Danes, German Shepherds, Irish Setters, Gordon Setters, Weimaraners, Saint Bernard’s, Standard Poodles, Basset Hounds.

Diagnosis of Unbaked Bread Dough Poisoning in Dogs

The vet can usually tell if your dog has eaten unbaked bread dough by looking at their symptoms and doing a blood test that checks for high blood alcohol levels and a bloated belly. But there are other things that can make the blood alcohol go up, so the vet will need to know what your dog has been doing and if they have been around anything else that has alcohol in it. The vet might also need to take X-rays to see how bad the situation is and to rule out GDV. X-rays can also help to find out if there is something else in the belly that is causing the swelling, like a foreign object.

How to Treat Unbaked Dough Obstruction in Dogs

If your dog has just swallowed raw dough and is not showing any signs of discomfort, veterinarians may try to make them vomit. However, this may not work well because bread dough is sticky and hard to expel.

If vomiting does not work, another option is gastric lavage. This is a procedure where a veterinarian washes out the dog’s stomach with cold water under anesthesia. The cold water may help to stop the yeast from fermenting and make the dough easier to remove.

The dog may need IV fluids and repeated X-rays to check the progress of the dough and prevent any problems. Sometimes, surgery may be needed to take out the dough mass if it is too big.

How to Treat Alcohol Toxicity in Dogs

Dogs that have more severe symptoms of alcohol toxicity need to be treated right away and have any life-threatening issues fixed before trying to get rid of the dough. Alcohol toxicity is treated by fixing any metabolic imbalances, controlling any heart problems, and keeping the dog’s body temperature normal. The dog is given fluids to help flush out the alcohol from their blood.

Most dogs recover fully in 36 hours if they get treatment fast. The best way to avoid this problem is to prevent it: If you love baking, be careful when you leave the dough to rise. Make sure you keep baking supplies away from dogs and keep an eye on any dogs that like to jump on counters.

Prevention is always better than cure: If you are a baker, be mindful when you let the dough rise. Store your baking supplies safely away from dogs and watch out for any dogs that are curious about counters.

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