Are Egg Rolls Bad For Dogs?

If you love Chinese food, you probably enjoy a crispy egg roll as a side dish. But what if your dog is eyeing your plate and begging for a bite? Can you share your egg roll with your furry friend?

In this article, you will learn why egg rolls are not a good treat for your dog, what risks they pose to your dog’s health, and how you can make a homemade version of egg rolls that are safe and tasty for your dog.

The short answer is no, dogs should not eat egg rolls. The reason is that egg rolls contain many ingredients that are harmful or even toxic to dogs, such as onion, garlic, salt, oil, and spices. Even if your dog does not get sick right away from eating an egg roll, it can cause long-term problems such as digestive issues, obesity, or pancreatitis.

The best way to avoid these dangers is to keep egg rolls away from your dog’s reach. You can never be sure what ingredients are in an egg roll, especially if you buy them from a restaurant or a store. Therefore, it is better to be safe than sorry and stick to dog-friendly foods for your pup.

Why Egg Rolls May Be Bad for Dogs

Egg rolls come in different varieties, so it’s hard to tell if the egg roll you have is safe for your dog or not. However, all egg rolls have two parts: a filling and a wrapper. Both of these can pose some health risks for dogs.


Filling Egg roll fillings usually contain some kind of meat and shredded vegetables, which are mostly fine for dogs.

However, these rolls are flavored with spices and seasonings that can be poisonous to dogs if they eat too much. These include garlic, onions, salt, soy sauce, and MSG, which are all things that should not be in any dog’s diet.


Wrapper Egg roll wrappers are usually made of eggs, flour, and water, which are not harmful for dogs. However, when these wrappers are deep-fried, they absorb a lot of oil that is too much for the average dog’s diet.

Usually, fried foods that humans enjoy, such as french fries, should not be given to your dog as they can do damage without giving any nutrition.

Eating too much oil can cause stomach problems and painful gas right away. Over time, an oily diet can lead to obesity, chronic pancreatitis, and liver disease

How to Give Your Dog a Taste of Egg Rolls Safely: Dos and Don’ts

Egg rolls are not a healthy or suitable food for dogs, and they can pose some dangers if given to them. However, if you really want to let your dog try a little bit of egg roll, here are some dos and don’ts to follow:

Do Pick Plain Ingredients: Make sure the egg roll is made with plain, cooked ingredients that are not harmful to dogs. Stay away from any seasonings, sauces, or spices that could upset your dog’s stomach.

Don’t Give the Wrappers: The wrappers of egg rolls are fried and thick, which can be hard for dogs to digest and might cause choking. It’s better to take off the wrapper completely before giving any part of the filling.

Do Cut into Small Pieces: Cut the plain filling into very small, bite-sized pieces that your dog can easily chew and swallow.

Don’t Overdo It: Remember that egg rolls are not part of a dog’s regular diet. Give it as a rare, small treat rather than a frequent snack.

Do Watch for Reactions: After giving your dog a small piece of plain egg roll filling, watch them for any signs of discomfort, allergies, or digestive problems. If you see anything unusual, contact your veterinarian.

Don’t Forget Safer Alternatives: Instead of egg rolls, you can offer your dog safer alternatives such as plain cooked eggs, plain cooked meats (without seasoning), or specially formulated dog treats.

Do Consult Your Veterinarian: Always talk to your veterinarian before giving any new human food to your dog’s diet. They can give you personalized advice based on your dog’s specific health needs and dietary restrictions.

Remember, your dog’s health and safety should always come first. If you’re not sure if a certain food is safe for your dog to eat, it’s best to avoid it altogether.

What Parts of Egg Rolls Can Dogs Eat Safely?

When giving food to your furry friend, safety is a top priority. While most ingredients in egg rolls are not a good choice for dogs, there are a few parts that could be safe in moderation:

Plain Cooked Eggs: Eggs are a great source of protein, and many dogs like them. If the egg roll filling has plain, cooked eggs without seasoning, your dog might be okay to have a small amount.

Plain Cooked Meat: If the egg roll has plain, cooked meat like chicken or pork without seasoning, this could be a safer option for your dog. Just make sure there are no bones and the meat is not seasoned or cooked in harmful oils.

Plain Cooked Vegetables: Some vegetables are safe for dogs in small amounts, such as carrots or peas. If the egg roll filling has plain, cooked vegetables, these could be safe, but again, be careful about seasonings or oils.

It’s important to note that while these parts might be safe in small amounts, egg rolls often have seasonings, oils, and other ingredients that can hurt dogs. It’s wise to talk to your veterinarian before giving human food to your dog, even if it seems safe. If you’re looking for suitable treats for your dog, there are many dog-friendly options available that are made for their nutritional needs.

Remember, your dog’s health and safety should always come first. If you are not sure if a certain food is safe for your dog to eat, it is best to avoid it altogether. Egg rolls are not a healthy or suitable food for dogs, and they can cause serious health problems for them. Instead, you can offer your dog some safer alternatives that are more nutritious and delicious for them.

Elle said My dog loves egg rolls, but I always remove the onion and garlic from them. I also don’t fry them, but bake them in the oven. Is that okay for dogs, or should I avoid egg rolls altogether?

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